Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Disappointment is never easy to handle.  Lately, I've been working with all the girls on it, especially Princess.  So it was a humbling experience when I failed to handle it well the other day.  Lets just say I let myself have one of those "conversations" in my head that made me act out of line with what was really going on.  I prayed and asked for help from the Lord but then promptly failed and lashed out in anger.  Needless to say, it didn't help anything, I was grumpy all day and it only made me look uncaring and ungrateful.  I finally appologized for my rude, selfish behavior and things went a better after that.  Now did I have a right to be disappointed? Yep! Did I have a right to lash out, throw a fit and hurt others because of it? Nope!  I failed and now have a bit of recent perspective to help the girls deal with their future disappointments.  I definately needed to get into the Word and not just quickly pray to try to handle it.  I am so stubborn, but I pray I have learned a strong lesson on this.  God has the power, I don't!  May I learn to quickly plug into it when I am struggling and teach my children to do the same!  God Bless!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jury Duty

Well, I've just participated in one of the "priveledges" of our justice system by finally serving on jury duty.  I've been called before but have had it deferred 3 times.  Since I am not pregnant or breastfeeding this time around I really had no excuse to get out of it, though I did try:).  It was definately an interesting process and I actually got put on a jury for the most obvious DUI case in history.  We deliberated for all of 5 minutes before finding him guilty.  It took 2 days of taxpayers time and money that could have been used for much better purposes.  I agree everyone has a right to a trial but they also have a responsibility to be accountable for their actions too!  Oh well, I met some interesting people, including former Govenor and VP candidate Sarah Palin.  She was nice and tried to keep to herself and for the most part people were accomodating to her.  What a weird life she must lead! 

One benefit of serving was that on a long lunch break I found Princess a new 20in girl bike for $15.00.  She was thrilled when she saw it and wanted to ride it immediately. Another benefit was that the girls got to spend the whole day (x2) with friends who so willingly opened their homes and babysat the girls for me while I served.  The kids had a blast, tried new things and Weegie even learned to ride a little bike without training wheels.  Weegie asked me if I had to serve on jury duty again tomorrow and was disappointed that I didn't.  She wanted to go to another friends house to play.  She definately enjoyed her mini-vacation!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

We enjoyed a beautiful Memorial Day this year!  It was so sunny and warm that we spent nearly all day for 6 days outside getting as much work done as we could in the garage and the yard.  The girls were in heaven with Daddy on vacation from work and outside with them all day long.  Weegie especially enjoyed her brand new big girl bike all decked out in princess style!  She was thrilled to get something brand new for herself, which rarely happens being the middle kiddo. Princess did great not getting jealous since she has a red boy bike and Weegie's new bike is totally girlie!  Feets was excited because the new bike has a baby seat on it for dollies.                                                                     

We got a lot of brush drugout of the woods, trees cut down and burned, and some needed garage organizing done. The girls worked hard helping then had some serious splashing  and sunning in the new pool. We even enjoyed those new giant marshmallows roasting over the remnants of the fire (one is more than enough!).  It is long weekends of family time and sunshine here in Alaska that make these special memories!